Topic: YouTube Downloader Action Fails

Hi there,

Currently running the latest version of Dropzone and the YouTube Downloader, however keep coming up with the following error when trying to download and video off of YouTube:

 /Applications/Dropzone `exec': No such file or directory - python (Errno::ENOENT)
    from /Applications/Dropzone `<main>' 

I've double checked package contents and the ruby file runner.rb exists, so not sure where the issue is coming from.

Re: YouTube Downloader Action Fails

Hi there,

Can you please close Dropzone 4, move it to trash and then re-download from the below link:

That will hopefully fix it.

Re: YouTube Downloader Action Fails

Hey John,

I've re-installed, both as you mentioned and after a full clean via appcleaner, and still facing the same error unfortunately.

Re: YouTube Downloader Action Fails

OK thanks, can you please open a Terminal and type:


and then paste me the output here.

It looks like your system is not finding the python executable for some reason.

5 (edited by RiskyGambit 2022-02-11 08:33:33)

Re: YouTube Downloader Action Fails

-bash: python: command not found

Yup that’s definitely what it is. I’m on the Monterey beta and it could be that it breaks it due to the drop in Python 2.7 support.

Not sure if there’s anything that can be done for now.

Re: YouTube Downloader Action Fails

Just an update to let you know that this issue has now been fully resolved. If you update to the latest version of Dropzone and install the latest version of the YouTube downloader action from the link below then this will work again as expected: … Downloader