John - thanks for your reply.
My script does sound pretty similar to Move File and Copy File but yes, the name-asking is crucial.
I did check out the script, and I tried to adapt it to fit my needs; however, as I have no experience with Ruby and very little with programming in general, I got stuck pretty quickly. This is how far I got (please don't laugh):
# Dropzone Destination Info
# Name: Rename & save to folder
# Description: Allows you to rename files and save them to a folder of your choice
# Handles: NSFilenamesPboardType
# Creator: Buster P. Keaton
# URL:
# OptionsNIB: ChooseFolder
def dragged
output = `./CocoaDialog standard-inputbox --title "Rename File" --e --informative-text "Enter new name for this file (minus extension):"`
filename = output.split("\n")[1]
$dz.begin("Copying file...")
Rsync.do_copy($items, ENV['EXTRA_PATH'], false)
$dz.finish("Copy Complete")
def clicked
escaped_path = ENV['EXTRA_PATH'].gsub(/["`$\\]/){ |s| '\\' + s }
system("open \"#{escaped_path}\"")
I have no idea how I would be able to tell the program to use the inputted text as the new filename...
Help would be very welcome! This script is more or less the reason why I bought Dropzone, and it turns out to be much harder to fix than I thought.