1 (edited by lopen 2014-07-04 12:34:34)

Topic: Dropzone 3 → Import von Dropbox Extension failed...

I tried to import http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12822196/Dropbox.dzbundle.zip
Unfortunately it doesn't work anymore. sad

Why not add all old Plugins right here:
https://aptonic.com/dropzone3/actions/mas + hide the Bundle Script wink

Re: Dropzone 3 → Import von Dropbox Extension failed...

I have now updated the Dropbox action to work with Dropzone 3 - you can download it from here:


Note that some actions (including the Dropbox action) require the non-Mac App Store version of Dropzone 3 due to sandboxing restrictions. If you purchased the Mac App Store version you can download and install the non-Mac App Store version and it will be auto-registered using your Mac App Store receipt. You can download the non-MAS version from this page:


Also note that for the Dropbox action to work you have to enable Public Folder support. This is explained here:

https://aptonic.com/dropzone/destinatio … ropbox.php

Re: Dropzone 3 → Import von Dropbox Extension failed...

amazing support + works!

Thank you very much!