Topic: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Update: The issues described below are now totally fixed. Just make sure you're running Dropzone version 3.2.3 or later and you should not have any issues under Yosemite. Also, make sure you're using the latest version of all the actions. You can check this by going into the Dropzone 3 Preferences and then the 'User Actions' tab and click the 'Check for Updates' button.

If you're having issues with Dropzone 3 under Yosemite and are using the version from the Mac App Store - Please download the non-Mac App Store version from - this version is newer (version 3.2.2 instead of 3.2). The Mac App Store version will be updated soon.

Note that if you purchased on the Mac App Store and then download and run the non-Mac App Store version then it will detect you purchased on the Mac App Store already and register automatically (note you have to run the Mac App Store version at least once for this transition to work).

The errors you will see in the debug console with the app store version (3.2) under Yosemite look like the following:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-42251]

Task description file task-42251:

ACTION: "/Applications/Dropzone Files.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "path" "/Users/user/Desktop"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"
ITEMS: "/Users/john/Pictures/Wallpapers/mac-os-x-HD-Wallpapers.jpeg"

Determinate: 1
Begin_Message: Copying files...
/Applications/Dropzone `do_copy'
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)    from /Applications/Dropzone `popen'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `do_copy'
    from /Applications/Dropzone Files.dzbundle/action.rb:17:in `dragged'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `call'
    from /Applications/Dropzone

[Task completed]

Also, note that the Dropbox and Amazon S3 actions are currently not working properly under Yosemite in either version. This will be fixed soon.

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Did my last comment fail to be submitted?

I use v3.2.1 download version, but still encounter the error messages. I wish those incompatibilities fixed soon.

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-94422]

Task description file task-94422:

ACTION: "/Applications/Dropzone Files.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "path" "/Volumes/IO-Data/バックアップ/otherartists"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/perspektiv/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"
ITEMS: "/Users/perspektiv/Desktop/ゴミ箱へ移動/Andrew - A Beautiful Story.rar フォルダ"

Determinate: 1
Begin_Message: Moving files...
/Applications/Dropzone `block in do_copy': incompatible character encodings ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8 (Encoding::CompatibilityError)
    from /Applications/Dropzone `each'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `do_copy'
from /Applications/Dropzone Files.dzbundle/action.rb:27:in `dragged'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `call'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `<main>'

[Task completed]

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Hi there. 3.2.1 is not the latest version. The latest is 3.2.2, build 700. This issue has been fixed in this build. Please note that 3.2.2 is currently not yet out on the Mac App Store (it will be released on the App Store soon after Apple review).

Please download version 3.2.2 from

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

I have a problem regarding copying a file to iCould Drive. I have installed the Mac App Store version.
Version 3.2.0 (625), Mac OSX 10.10
Might this also be related to the same error ?

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-13844]

Task description file task-13844:

ACTION: "/Applications/Dropzone Files.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "path" "/Users/d031174/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Steuer/Futural_UG/2014/Verkäufe"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/d031174/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone3/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/d031174/Desktop/TEST.txt"

/Applications/Dropzone `match':
invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError)
    from /Applications/Dropzone `block in parse'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `each_line'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `parse'
    from /Applications/Dropzone `<main>'

[Task completed]

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Yep, it's the same issue. The update that fixes this is currently pending review with Apple, but you can update now by downloading the non-Mac App Store version from

It will detect you purchased on the Mac App Store and register and transfer your settings automatically.

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Purchased from App Store yesterday.  It is version 3.2.3 and does not work - Does not open when hover mouse over menu bar icon. If I click on the icon I usually get spinning beach ball for 5-6 seconds then it will drop down and if I click anything get another spinning ball.  If I drag something to the icon nothing happens, If Open as above and drag something to drop bar nothing happens.  I'm on a MacBook Pro running OS 10.10.1

Is there a non-app store version that will work??  Should I delete and get another copy from App Store??

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Wayne - I have just emailed you about this.

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

John,  Thanks -

To others that may read this thread - I deleted the app store copy, downloaded a copy from the Aptonic site, installed it and it work as it should.

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

Ok, thanks. But where is the difference in the versions?

I have sometimes the same beachball problems. Or, that dropzone consumes a lot of CPU resources.

Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues

saniwat wrote:

Ok, thanks. But where is the difference in the versions?

I have sometimes the same beachball problems. Or, that dropzone consumes a lot of CPU resources.

There shouldn't be any difference really. The Mac App Store version runs sandboxed and the non-App Store version runs unsandboxed but that really shouldn't make any difference. If you're having issues with hanging and such I recommend you look in (it's in /Applications/Utilities/ and do a search for Dropzone. Then email me any messages so I can investigate further. You can also try starting fresh with a new Dropzone 3 actions database by closing Dropzone, removing your ~/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3 (or ~/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone3/ for the Mac App Store version) folder and relaunching.

Usually, I find issues like this are caused by issues with your OS X install (other apps crashing, SIMBL or InputManager plugins) and other non-standard configurations.