Any updates on when the unsandboxed version of Dropzone 4 will be released outside of SetApp?
1 2020-05-17 17:57:25
Re: Difference between sandboxed vs un-sandboxed version (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
2 2020-02-05 15:19:09
Re: Dropzone 4 fails to upload to Google Drive (16 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Now it works
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-85339]
Task description file task-85339:
ACTION: "/Users/user/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone4/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/Google Drive Debug Folders.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.0"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1580895344"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/user/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone4/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/user/Downloads/doc.pdf"
Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: access_token
Save_Value: ya29.ImC8B5ODX_oIYmgvG6m5zJWsF4CSyyaoQmB9ilL6s_ncMdVdbQYX8wIFj7XxXVwMeGdehs5TTLkyHg-fYo63rImJBttwVxIAX-xBmAIQwC63gMQ20gXYrCn5pinN1Ynhwjk
Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1580919431
Begin_Message: What folder would you like to use?
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Save_Value: Dropzone
Begin_Message: Uploading doc.pdf to Google Drive...
Finish_Message: File(s) were uploaded to Google Drive!
URL: 0
[Task completed]
Will it be able to send files to the 'root' of GDrive?
3 2020-02-05 08:55:10
Re: Dropzone 4 fails to upload to Google Drive (16 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Made one called 'Dropzone'
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-14353]
Task description file task-14353:
ACTION: "/Users/user/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone4/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/Google Drive Debug Folders.dzbundle"
EVENT: "clicked"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.0"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1580895344"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/user/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone4/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Dropzone", folder_id="1aA4cPF0K6K0EUsZyLYwAMfO6jXaEKSRv">
[Task completed]
4 2020-02-05 08:39:41
Re: Dropzone 4 fails to upload to Google Drive (16 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-31969]
Task description file task-31969:
ACTION: "/Users/user/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone4/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/Google Drive Debug Folders.dzbundle"
EVENT: "clicked"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.0"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1580895344"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/user/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone4/Data/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
[Task completed]
5 2020-02-04 17:33:00
Re: Dropzone 4 fails to upload to Google Drive (16 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
I get a progress bar in Dropzone which asks "which folder?" but with no buttons to select and then Pashua and Dropzone crash and need force quitting.