Thanks! I'm running the non-MAS version now. Makes sense that Apple wouldn't allow that. I'm glad to have that action back!
A hidden default would be fine with me. Thanks!
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Dropzone Forums → Posts by Rrjqubx
Pages 1
Thanks! I'm running the non-MAS version now. Makes sense that Apple wouldn't allow that. I'm glad to have that action back!
A hidden default would be fine with me. Thanks!
Hello, first of all congratulations on shipping DropZone 3!
I immediately bought it, because I use DropZone 2 daily. Anyway, I have an unusual request: is it possible to disable (or remove) the top row completely? My DropZone workflow is that I drag stuff onto the menubar, and then downwards onto the action I want to use. The extra row at the top ensures I have to drag further now. I appreciate the extra functionality that it provides, but I'd rather not have it at all. I hope you understand.
Can I use the DropZone 2 "Install Application" action? Because I miss that one dearly.
Thanks for the great work!
Hello John,
I just updated Dropzone in the MAS. Thanks for fixing the issue! It works perfectly now. Thanks again!
Oh, that is awesome! I'm glad you found the source of this so easily! Thanks, I'll be waiting!
I'm a longtime user of Dropzone and really enjoy it. With the latest 1Password update, the 1Password Mini menubar app shows a weird interaction with Dropzone. Whenever Dropzone (MAS version) is running, if I open the 1Password Mini menu to navigate the database, it loses the focus about one second after activation. So this means I open the menu, start navigating, one second later it deselects whatever I have selected and I must start all over again.
It turns out this only happens when Dropzone is running. As soon as I quit Dropzone, the behaviour is gone. Do you have any idea what this could be?
Pages 1
Dropzone Forums → Posts by Rrjqubx