Hi John, thank you for your response. Now it works! But i need serial number for dropzone 3? I purchased in appstore by apple ID kafes33@me.com, is there any way to get serial number?
Thank you,
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Dropzone Forums → Posts by kafes33
Pages 1
Hi John, thank you for your response. Now it works! But i need serial number for dropzone 3? I purchased in appstore by apple ID kafes33@me.com, is there any way to get serial number?
Thank you,
...and is it possible return the progress bar to the position like Dropbox 2? Thanks:)
I have a problem with action: upload file to FTP with option key.
Error messages is here:
/Applications/Dropzone 3.app/Contents/Actions/lib/ftp.rb:63:in `upload': undefined method `each' for #<String:0x007fa6840dbee8> (
from /Applications/Dropzone 3.app/Contents/Actions/lib/ftp.rb:18:in `do_upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone 3.app/Contents/Actions/FTP Upload.dzbundle/action.rb:44:in `dragged'
from /Applications/Dropzone 3.app/Contents/Actions/lib/runner.rb:67:in `call'
from /Applications/Dropzone 3.app/Contents/Actions/lib/runner.rb:67:in `<main>'
Pages 1
Dropzone Forums → Posts by kafes33