Well, this was a bit of a hassle to find and decipher. Would you please ...
* Summarize the methods in ONE POST with the CORRECT COMMANDS. This would eliminate the need to read through the entire thread and at the same time back-correct on the mistakes made.
* Separately distinguish the commands for MAS versions non-MAS versions (and tell users how to determine which one they have). Again, confusion reigns here otherwise.
* Post this as a FAQs so we don't have to come here and hunt.
* Put an option in the Preferences to disable/enable this feature. Not everyone is conversant with Terminal commands even when they are spelled out in detail.
PS -- YOU MUST RESTART DROPZONE after any change is made (in case you were not aware).
PPS -- The way Dropzone now works seriously interferes with other tools that detect "select to drag" actions to the point that they become disabled. A menu bar tool should IMHO be designed by default to activate ONLY when something is dragged to it, not when something is randomly selected on the desktop. IOW, make the default setup with -bool FALSE not -bool TRUE and require users to "opt-in" not "opt-out" of the new behavior.