Topic: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload
Dropzone 4.2.8 and can't upgrade beyond Mojave. All of sudden, it's stuck on uploading for ever after I drag the file. I re-added the action, re-authorized successfully: no dice.
The Actions Debug Console reports the following:
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-93867]
Task description file task-93867:
ACTION: "/Applications/*/Dropzone Drive.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.2.8"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1657249716"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Documents/Mastering Video Editing/Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors.pdf"
Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Save_Value: Preview
Begin_Message: Uploading Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors.pdf...