Topic: Can't find debug console

I'm using dropzone 4.7.9 and on macOS 14.1.1

Re: Can't find debug console

It has been removed from the menu but you can still get it via the key shortcut.

Open the grid and press Cmd+Shift+D.

3 (edited by aymeric.derazey 2023-11-20 05:34:33)

Re: Can't find debug console

Thank you for your swift reply.
I tried the shortcut too, but doesn't work either.  it's opening my download folder which is « DL » in my FOLDER/APPS. (shortcut D)

Re: Can't find debug console

Assign your downloads folder to something different in the Dropzone grid (right-click, Edit and set a new services key).

5 (edited by aymeric.derazey 2023-11-20 05:36:52)

Re: Can't find debug console

I removed it just to be sure, and the console is not opening

Re: Can't find debug console

Could you have this key combo bound to some other system wide shortcut?

Also all three keys (Cmd+Shift+D) have to be pressed together immediately after clicking the Dropzone menu item. Not sure what else to suggest. That is definitely the key shortcut and it will open the debug console if nothing else is conflicting with it.

Maybe try relaunching Dropzone also?

Re: Can't find debug console

Thanks for all your ideas.
I tried to change the layout of the keyboard on macOS (from french azerty to us qwerty) and it's working well when i'm using the US keyboard.
Not sure if it's a bug or something i do wrong.

Re: Can't find debug console

That's interesting. Thanks for the info, I will look into that.

Re: Can't find debug console

I have found and fixed the issue causing the debug console not to open when using alternative keyboard layouts such as French AZERTY. The Cmd+Shift+D shortcut will now work regardless of which keyboard layout is chosen.

The fix is out now in version 4.80.5.