Running it on a Youtube URL resulted in the following output:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-62689]

Task description file task-62689:

ACTION: "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Download Audio.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "path" "/Users/home/Movies/Audio downloads"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "text"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.2.8"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/*/Dropzone", line 7, in <module>
    import action
  File "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Download Audio.dzbundle/", line 17, in <module>
import updater
  File "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Download Audio.dzbundle/", line 38
    print(f'Latest version: {version_id}, Current version {current_version}')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

[Task completed]

When I drop an image on the Image Search Action the browser opens to a Google page containing an empty image icon and the message in the subject.

The latest Dropzone doesn't support Mojave. I can't upgrade my macOS so stuck with 4.2.8.

The uploads still fail without any failure errors: I just force-quit the process by clicking on x next to the progress bar.
I tested other cloud-based actions: YouTube Uploader required re-auth and I was able to upload immediately after.

I have a question: does the Gdrive action use Python? I installed Python3 a month ago as a requirement to compile a Unix binary. I notice several little apps broken since, including a Dashboard widget (I use Dashboard on Mojave) that used to do the job flawlessly. Every time I launch that widget the Python launcher app kicks into action even though I removed the Python3 framework location from the PATH env variable in .bash_profile and relogged into my user. Could "Upload to GDrive" fall victim to Python3? If it could I'll remove Python3 without remorse.

Dropzone 4.2.8 and can't upgrade beyond Mojave. All of sudden, it's stuck on uploading for ever after I drag the file. I re-added the action, re-authorized successfully: no dice.

The Actions Debug Console reports the following:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-93867]

Task description file task-93867:

ACTION: "/Applications/*/Dropzone Drive.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.2.8"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1657249716"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Documents/Mastering Video Editing/Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors.pdf"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Save_Value: Preview
Begin_Message: Uploading Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors.pdf...


(4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Hello, John

I second both earlier posters. Using YouTube Uploader 2.6 fails with the following output in the Debug Console of Dropzone 3.8.0 on Mavericks:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-27234]

Task description file task-27234:

ACTION: "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "3.8.0"
VARIABLE: "api_key" "••••"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1574882937"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "privacy" "Public"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "https_proxy" "https://localhost:3128"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Desktop/BrideGroom.mp4"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to YouTube...
/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle/youtube.rb:11:in `configure_client'
undefined method `send_timeout_sec=' for #<Google::Apis::ClientOptions:0x007feb93337328> (NoMethodError)    from /Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle/action.rb:22:in `dragged'
    from /Applications/Third Party Software/Other Utilities/Dropzone `call'
    from /Applications/Third Party Software/Other Utilities/Dropzone `<main>'

[Task completed]

When I use v2.1 it fails to upload with the authorization error although I can authorize both versions seamlessly during set-up.


Sorry for the delay

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-37821]

Task description file task-37821:

ACTION: "/Applications/Third Party Software/Utilities/Dropzone Drive.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.7"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1600374352"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Pictures/unnamed.jpg"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: access_token
Save_Value: "••••"
Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1601923210
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Begin_Message: Uploading unnamed.jpg...
Error_Title: Upload Failed
Error: notFound File not found:

[Task completed]

[[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-81281]

Task description file task-81281:

ACTION: "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.7"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1597649943"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Movies/Dashb-vs-NC.mp4"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to YouTube...
Save_Value_Name: access_token
Save_Value: "••••"
Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1601923535
Save_Value_Name: privacy
/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle/youtube.rb:96:in `read_privacy_status'
undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)    from /Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle/action.rb:23:in `dragged'
    from /Applications/Third Party Software/Utilities/Dropzone `call'
    from /Applications/Third Party Software/Utilities/Dropzone `<main>'

[Task completed]

When I click on either of these icons the pages open normally.

... and also fails to upload to GoogleDrive and YouTube (despite being authorized). When I click on each icon the corresponding site opens in a browser. Forced to stick to v 3.0.8 which is what I'm using all the time.

I managed to launch it only by running the executable. Here's the Terminal output I got during the session:

2020-09-17 22:20:57.824 Dropzone 4[2385:62303] -[__NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1
2020-09-17 22:20:57.825 Dropzone 4[2385:62303] -[__NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1
2020-09-17 22:21:01.776 Dropzone 4[2385:62317] [AppCenter] ERROR: -[MSChannelUnitDefault sendLogContainer:withAuthTokenFromArray:atIndex:]_block_invoke/264 Log(s) sent with failure, batch Id:10E388F3-C281-4FD9-A473-9C448FDE7EF7, status code:400
2020-09-17 22:21:01.782 Dropzone 4[2385:62311] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 9000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:21:01.782 Dropzone 4[2385:62311] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 6000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:21:01.783 Dropzone 4[2385:62311] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 6000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:21:01.783 Dropzone 4[2385:62305] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 7000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:22:35.136 Dropzone 4[2385:62303] Failed to connect (imgurViewController) outlet from (NSWindow) to (GoogleAuthViewController): missing setter or instance variable
[PLCrashReport] MSplcrash_async_cfe_reader_find_pc:226: Could not find a first level CFE entry for pc=1a81
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:99: Did not find CFE entry for PC 0x10c8ffa81: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplcrash_async_cfe_reader_find_pc:226: Could not find a first level CFE entry for pc=1a81
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:99: Did not find CFE entry for PC 0x10c8ffa81: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0


(1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

I suddenly realised there's no more the "share a picture to Twitter" action. I miss it. Is it possible to restore it?

NB. For some reason, updates about replies don't arrive in my Inbox and Junk too.

Just checked Bitly in Dropzone 3 on High Sierra. Strangely, it works as expected. No in Mavericks, Yes in High Sierra.

Here's the connection log

ACTION: "/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3/Actions/Bitly.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "password" "••••"
VARIABLE: "username" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "text"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "3.7.0"
VARIABLE: "password_variable" "password"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Getting Bitly URL...
SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A: tlsv1 alert protocol version
Fail: Failed to connect to Bitly

... therefore it recommends falling back on using the OAUTH2 scheme. They changed it recently, was able to shorten links just a few days ago. I'm talking about Dropzone 3 on my older macOS on my older Mac.I'll update about High Sierra situation.

BTW, Google shortening fails too because Google complains about the obsolete OAUTH used by the appropriate action.

In my case clicking opened the GDrive's root page and caused the connection status bar to get stuck.

The console output as follows:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-16834]

Task description file task-16834:

ACTION: "/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/Google Drive Debug Folders.dzbundle"
EVENT: "clicked"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.0"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1580818159"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: access_token
Save_Value: ••••
Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1581225406
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1lJsbxeLSRm5VOurSbMC0E2XqaC2TaZay">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1J8QDYwcjg6TXfTfKgaE4nZAy8wEUEEU4">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1-mZKBlXSZTtQWcxvBl8tw-BH5q4MnlvP">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1mMHUfPT4eZleDqNAC4y7D_Vsebu7lrBI">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1vXvZ1IyKuXbQzaiBql86lZgUzn4aFWzK">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1qDRtaZbfGFch7NW54I-effG_-4VDWgX4">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1BP37BOPu0SSDTx-7MLH4xuczSDfWcSBQ">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1ZeCMYM4S1cIyF_BIOCgcIq2DlK62ZSRC">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1vNQVjlJgc9nsRDQRc0_pNf6-HLIGhVxy">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1OhtDOn021gy-lh-y9maqDFBWtj5mjFJz">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1uLK_6MqpM1_faq4MAx9T9oN_YrwH_vXW">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1zq5JBS-T1mMkUNHn79k70G9JBERQ-oC5">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1BSav0D2RhzQWyrxDHNfsDgzfIOpZL4bc">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="", folder_id="1SFehMmSkUWaH7aEc3Xr66Lx8ZtP4Af2C">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1iHgSNo4SyBo4lCgte8TGjxCFTrNMOOFN">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1_PuOuoy-WnINCjArXkRLUxDvlmcEMZ0Q">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="11kU9vkN4QZnfTkufTeyPN2oBytKUAHer">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1uBwZ2VitA3HjMPTwPCX1g1UQxwyOAxit">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1zrkp6aQ9Ht9x5l8Jt-cIf4VIEk2D-lp6">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="1j7rBGTHBKGIjbRAFqsdrgwCv6GqsvLMD">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title=".TemporaryItems", folder_id="16ipEnPpZxJZ71AwYdIvvwBviQmc7ytRD">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="TextEdit", folder_id="1TcgKViSDGC32Ez24eK7l4kUVedcHTK7D">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="iMovie 1005 projects", folder_id="1fn-RYTwBaprVMAwuWvZLlYHRmxMhC3Hh">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="➡︎Notes", folder_id="1BeaN4fsrJ5yFdxJH5PpZ-eZOMFpviTcy">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Numbers", folder_id="1ZmhprvgwNFnL1t-7mtR9Nj64IkYO8fDq">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Pages", folder_id="16udUuP0TQxT5ifQMymzlvzwHXchxiYQb">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Keynote", folder_id="1uGhjvSkyx8nP-iil66DgwuEnslMEwGEz">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Automator", folder_id="1LAvDZEflyC-64zcYgEHVz6ag7fsF_sJz">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Preview", folder_id="1O2oenSbvwtOcPPx8qJ7iZsYEaxKL-0m7">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="QuickTime Player", folder_id="1yejY-LNukNO38VG8Kdz65RtJeQ3XMRQW">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Script Editor", folder_id="1W240sJrfrMu9K48lZZsDRB2-vhkgBH04">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="iTunes", folder_id="1RK4KJO9xA0-7a9lyh_DiqSwszXtZum8Q">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="iMovie 9 Events and Projects", folder_id="1x-eStqGZDMYSnV0h1hlzbaJbMsA93hmb">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Uploads from Mac", folder_id="1u2LnsQ7Orw2dN_Ldlgrylpua0_eBXqhz">
#<struct Gdrive::Folder title="Xcode documentation", folder_id="0Bwsy7q2Qc3TCOHV4bTFub09GNFU">

[Task completed]
ACTION: "/Users/home_folder/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/Google Drive Debug Folders.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.0"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1580818159"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home_folder/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home_folder/Pictures/Forest.jpg"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Begin_Message: What folder would you like to use?
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Begin_Message: Uploading Forest.jpg to Google Drive...
Error_Title: Upload Failed
Error: notFound File not found:

[Task completed]

Strangely,  the google auth window shows Dropzone 3 asking for access, not 4. It fails to upload and I get the same alert pop-up. BTW, not after I quit Dropzone 3 I was able to authorize and add to the grid. Still, it won't upload.
Also in the log, there's a hint to a dialogue prompt to choose a folder on GDrive that works in Dropzone 3. I never see this prompt either.

No it even didn't prompt me to select a folder.

It fails with just with any file. Dropzone 3 is doing that seamlessly. Failed to upload 6MB jpeg.

Upload failed

Debug Console shows:

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Begin_Message: What folder would you like to use?
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Begin_Message: Uploading Wig.jpg to Google Drive...
Error_Title: Upload Failed
Error: notFound File not found:


Drive google action failed to upload a tiny 11 MB file to Google Drive (Disk Image – comressed and uncompressed).


(5 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

It appears that this action accepts only small files. I successfully uploaded 10-20 MB files but that's not enough.


(5 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

From my own testing this is a bug in the YT uploader action that chokes on mp4 files (that is, the files consisting of filenames with .mp4 extension appended). I got around with it by converting it to a QuickTime movie with .mov extension. It's certainly needs to be fixed.


(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Dropzone uses macOS built-in ShareKit functionality (Mojave removed it, but its still exists in High Sierra and earlier versions down to Mountain Lion). It means that just like using system-wide sharing sheet you upload only pictures to Twitter by dragging them on its icon or - if you just click on it - you can post status update.