I have two Cloud Actions in Dropzone 4:  Image Search 1.0 and Bitly 1.6

I found the two Dropzone Action Bundles in my ~/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Action folder, both with a 2017 modification date.  I assume they were both inherited from Dropzone 3.

Image Search seems to be working fine, and it's listed in "Install Dropzone 4 Pro Actions" list.

Although I've configured the Bitly action with my Bitly API Access token, dropping a URL on the action pops up this notification:

Bitly Failed
Invalid Username or API key

Bitly is not in the "Install Dropzone 4 Pro Actions" list.  There also appears to be no other URL shortener.

– Ward

Hi DropZone team,

I’ll start by saying, “I love, Love, LOVE Dropzone!  I can't count how many times I use it every single day!"

A few minutes ago, DropZone popped up an offer to upgrade from 4.1.9 to 4.2.0.  The installer window showed notes on the changes in 4.2.0.  Unfortunately, my hand clicked the Install button before my eyes could read more than a couple enticing words about the new feature(s) in 4.2.0.

I thought I might find the 4.2.0 Release Notes on your website, but all I could find was blog posts about selected earlier releases.  Google site search found this page:


But there’s no corresponding page for the new 4.2.0 release.

Is there a way to find out what’s new in 4.2.0?

Please consider adding an easy-to-find archive of Release Notes in the Support section of your website.

— Ward

My most frequent use of Dropzone is to drag a URL out of Safari's toolbar and drop it on a folder of pages to revisit.

The names of the individual .webloc files come from the page titles.  Many of these filenames, especially from Facebook pages, are too generic, obscure or verbose.  So I've added a Hazel action to the target folder which automatically opens the folder, allowing me to review and possibly rename the new .webloc file.

Dropzone 3.7.0 was working perfectly on my old iMac running Yosemite.  But since upgrading to a new iMac running High Sierra, about 10% of my webloc drops don't happen.  That is, Dropzone pops up a "Move Files Completed" notification, but Hazel doesn't open the folder because no .webloc file was actually created. 

I haven't found any pattern for the URLs that succeed or fail, other than repeating a failed drag-n-drop usually results in another failure.

-- Ward

P.S.  As a test, I dragged the URL of this post <https://aptonic.com/forum/post/1031/#p1031> to Dropzone – it failed.

Then I found an alternate URL for this post <https://aptonic.com/forum/topic/405/10- … ly-happen/> – dragging this longer URL worked fine.

It would be great to know if others have the same experience.

P.P.S.  After posting my P.S., I repeated my tests with the two URLs for this post – both are now working fine.  So repeating a failed drop doesn't always fail.  Sigh.