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I have now updated the Dropbox action to work with Dropzone 3 - you can download it from here:
Note that some actions (including the Dropbox action) require the non-Mac App Store version of Dropzone 3 due to sandboxing restrictions. If you purchased the Mac App Store version you can download and install the non-Mac App Store version and it will be auto-registered using your Mac App Store receipt. You can download the non-MAS version from this page:
Also note that for the Dropbox action to work you have to enable Public Folder support. This is explained here: … ropbox.php
There isn't an automated way I'm afraid.
Reason for this is the Dropzone 3 database format is completely different and writing an importer would have been very difficult so I decided to use the time on other features.
I think it's also kind of nice to have a clean out and get used to the new UI as well
I've emailed you about the license. If you're talking about Circles, that's gone for now - it may or may not be returning in future versions. We'll see.
It's fixed in Dropzone 3. You can signup for the beta here: - you'll be auto-accepted and given a download link after signup.
Note that Dropzone 3 is a paid ($5 upgrade) if you have a Dropzone 2 serial. If you bought it on the Mac App Store recently then email me and I'll sort something out.
Yep, I hear you. ImageShack broke recently due to API changes. I am planning to fix this and also add imgur support very soon in Dropzone 3.
Cool idea! Will consider it for an action in Dropzone 3.
Did it actually print when you ran the lp command on the Pathfinder jpg on the command line (the bit you did in the screenshot in the top left)? Dropzone is just calling the lp command (and I see it says 'Detained' when you do this) so it looks like the printer might be paused or something.
Is printing to that printer from other apps working?
OK, thanks. Unfortunately I'm still not sure what the problem is. I've modified the destination script slightly to provide more debug output. Can you please download - unzip it and then double click the Print.dropzone file to install it (it should replace your existing print extension). Then try to print a jpg again and look at the debug console.
It still won't print but in the debugging output there should be a line that says something like command: lp -d <printer name> "Pathfinder.jpg"
Please open a terminal and paste everything after the 'command:' part into Terminal (it is in Applications under the Utilities folder) and see if it prints then or paste me any output from the lp command.
OK thanks, I think the issue must be that Dropzone can't find the ruby interpreter then.
If you open a terminal and run /usr/bin/ruby -v what output do you get?
Under 10.9 Dropzone looks for ruby 1.8 at the path /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby so can you also try running this interpreter?
When you relaunched Dropzone, was a 'Dropzone' folder recreated in Application Support?
Does the 'Dropzone' folder contain a 'Destination Scripts' folder and inside this folder should be a lib folder which is symlinked to /Applications/ Scripts/lib ?
Is it just PDFs that it fails for or other file types also? Try dragging a jpg onto the print destination and see if that works.
Have a look in the debug console when dragging onto the print destination. You can do this by opening the Dropzone Preferences and then pressing CMD+Shift+D
Paste me the output from the debug console - maybe that will shed some light. I just tried the print destination myself with a PDF and it worked fine so it may be something specific about your setup.
Hi Ian - Try closing Dropzone, delete your ~/Library/Application Support/Dropzone folder and relaunch the app. Note you'll need to reinstall any destinations you had installed.
I've seen this happen when you run Dropzone from somewhere - e.g. your downloads directory and then move it somewhere else and run it again. This is because a needed symlink breaks.
If that doesn't fix it then yes it could be related to the rvm thing, let me know if the above fixes it first and we'll go from there.
Thanks for the feedback! Will certainly consider this for future versions.
I wasn't aware that you could do that with S3. That's a cool feature!
There isn't an extension currently, but I will think about it for the future.
Great, thanks! Yes a screencast would be very helpful. You can either link it here or email to
OK thanks. I've been doing some Googling around and it looks like the fix I implemented only works for dual-GPU MacBook Pros that were shipped Early 2011 and after. It's discussed in this tech note here … index.html It's a pity Apple has done it this way - I know other apps such as 1Password suffer this problem as well - see … -card-used
Basically without stripping out all the Core Animation/Open GL stuff in Dropzone (which is practically impossible, the whole grid and everything is rendered with Core Animation) there's noway to fix this. With the problem now resolved on all post 2011 MacBooks there's just no incentive for me to spend time on this. Sorry! You may want to discontinue using Dropzone until you upgrade your MacBook.
Did you try turning off grid animation in the preferences? I don't think this will fix it but worth a try.
Thanks! Glad you like it.
Is this the grid or circles popping up over and over? There was a bug like this with Circles in an earlier version of Dropzone but it has been fixed. What version of Dropzone are you running? For the Mac App Store version you can check this by right clicking the app in the Finder and doing Get Info or for the non-Mac App Store version you can check from the Updates tab in the preferences. The latest version of Dropzone is currently 2.8.5.
If you're running the latest version and it does it again it would be great if you could use QuickTime to capture a screen recording of this happening to send me. I might be able to figure out the issue from that.
OK, thanks. Which version of Dropzone are you running? And is this the Mac App Store or non-Mac App Store version?
If you're having trouble registering Dropzone, please see this page:
It contains a number of possible fixes as well as an alternative method of registration where you can put in your serial and download a license file if you're really stuck.
Yep, I agree this is an important feature. I'll have a look at the API and see how hard this would be.
Darn - I was pretty sure this was fixed.
How do you know it's Dropzone causing the discrete graphics to get switched on? Could it be another app?
Hi morningnapalm - Try relaunching the app (can kill it with Activity Monitor) and see if that fixes it.
Unfortunately not possible at this stage. This is something I plan to improve in future versions though.
The way you use text destinations is you drag text onto them. Like with the Save Text destination you would highlight the text in your browser or TextEdit or whatever and then hold down the left mouse button on the selection. The text should come away and you can drag it onto Dropzone.
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