Finally it work since 10.5.1 ! so it was an apple side soft tweak to do. Now you can drag all the thumbs in all apps, a really time saving thing
1 2019-11-18 22:50:13
Re: Mojave : move screenshot from temporary location (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
2 2019-11-07 20:02:27
Re: Dropzone Not Working Since Mac OS 10.15 Catalina (15 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
A really great news ! i personally i cant live without dropzone:)
3 2019-03-01 20:26:05
Re: Mojave : move screenshot from temporary location (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Good tip, i've just try and sadly that's not the problem, log are the same :
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-12923]
Task description file task-12923:
ACTION: "/Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "server" "*****"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "password" "••••"
VARIABLE: "password_variable" "password"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/athome/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "3.7.0"
VARIABLE: "username" "••••"
VARIABLE: "remote_path" "/poney_en_mousse/"
VARIABLE: "root_url" "http://*****/poney_en_mousse/"
ITEMS: "/var/folders/nf/9ptczxgs1y774l0hpx3ryc0h0000gn/T/filepromise/.poladroid.png"
Begin_Message: Starting transfer...
Determinate: 0
/Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:98:in `stat': No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_stat - /var/folders/nf/9ptczxgs1y774l0hpx3ryc0h0000gn/T/filepromise/.poladroid.png (Errno::ENOENT)
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:98:in `path_contents'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:64:in `block in upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:63:in `each'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:63:in `upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:18:in `do_upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/action.rb:46:in `dragged'
from /Applications/Dropzone `call'
from /Applications/Dropzone `<main>'
[Task completed]
I really think it as to do with the temporary location of the screenshot, before it appears on the desktop.
It's not a really big deal btw, thanks for taking care
4 2019-02-11 15:01:06
Re: Mojave : move screenshot from temporary location (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi, john
Maybe i need to make myself more clear or you just don't have a solution yet ?
5 2018-10-23 10:01:21
Topic: Mojave : move screenshot from temporary location (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
If i try to move a new made screenshot from the temporary location aka small thumb in the screen corner to an action like "Open with an app, move to folder, etc", nothing happen.
I can have a log if i move it to an action "FTP upload" :
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-41687]
Task description file task-41687:
ACTION: "/Applications/Dropzone Application.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "path" "/Applications/"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "3.6.9"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/athome/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"
ITEMS: "/var/folders/nf/9ptczxgs1y774l0hpx3ryc0h0000gn/T/filepromise/.Capture d’écran 2018-10-23 à 11.54.56.png"
[Task completed]
[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-59131]
Task description file task-59131:
ACTION: "/Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "server" "*****"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "password" "••••"
VARIABLE: "password_variable" "password"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/athome/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "3.6.9"
VARIABLE: "username" "••••"
VARIABLE: "remote_path" "/poney_en_mousse/"
VARIABLE: "root_url" "http://*****/poney_en_mousse/"
ITEMS: "/var/folders/nf/9ptczxgs1y774l0hpx3ryc0h0000gn/T/filepromise/.Capture d’écran 2018-10-23 à 11.58.20.png"
Begin_Message: Starting transfer...
Determinate: 0
/Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:98:in `stat': No such file or directory @ rb_file_s_stat - /var/folders/nf/9ptczxgs1y774l0hpx3ryc0h0000gn/T/filepromise/.Capture d’écran 2018-10-23 à 11.58.20.png (Errno::ENOENT)
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:98:in `path_contents'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:64:in `block in upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:63:in `each'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:63:in `upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/ftp.rb:18:in `do_upload'
from /Applications/Dropzone Upload.dzbundle/action.rb:46:in `dragged'
from /Applications/Dropzone `call'
from /Applications/Dropzone `<main>'
[Task completed]
A problem of right access to the temporary folder ?
6 2016-06-09 15:48:40
Re: Sparkle Update (3 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Thanks a lot John, i had deactivated my autoupdate so i just see this post now, shame on me ... Thx again for this great app
7 2016-02-29 16:37:25
Topic: Sparkle Update (3 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi, do you have plan to update sparkle framework inside dropzone ?
As i see dropzone use HTTP not HTTPS for sparkle update, and sparkle version 1.6 >
Maybe i misunderstood something ?
thx in advance
8 2012-02-06 13:23:55
Topic: Change the Circles position (2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
A way to define a left or right position for circles would be a very good thing, in my case i'm using the dock at the right position and circle interfer when i mouse over it.
And change my dock from right to left is not an option, i've got this configuration since a very long time.
Thats my request, thx