Support for uploading to a specific Amazon S3 folder has now been added in Dropzone 2.6. You can put the desired S3 folder in the 'Folder' field when setting up the S3 destination.
302 2013-06-01 02:32:39
Re: Copying clipboard to Dropzone (1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
I really like that idea. I've updated the destination so that clicking it now shortens a URL on the clipboard (if there is one).
Here's a link to the updated extension: … y.dropzone
Download and double click to install. It should overwrite your existing version.
Key triggers are something that is high on my feature wish list for Dropzone 3. We'll see
303 2013-05-09 09:51:25
Re: Easier access to DropZone (6 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep it in mind for a future version!
304 2013-05-01 04:01:26
Re: Dropzone causes MBP to switch from integrated graphics to dedi GPU (3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Hi guys,
Just thought I'd let you know that Dropzone 2.6 fixes this issue. Dropzone should no longer cause your MacBooks to switch to the dedicated card. This is a free update to all existing customers.
More info on this update here:
305 2013-04-04 03:48:49
Re: Drag & Drop stopped working (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi Phillippee,
Try reinstalling Dropzone. Steps below:
1) Close Dropzone by clicking the menu item and clicking the 'Quit' button.
2) Open the Terminal application located in /Applications/Utilities
3) Copy and paste this command: rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dropzone
4) And this command: rm -f ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone.plist
5) Goto your Applications folder and drag Dropzone to the trash.
6) Delete any zip files with Dropzone in it from your Downloads folder.
7) Reboot your Mac.
8) Now reinstall Dropzone either by clicking Install from the Purchases tab of the Mac App Store or by downloading a fresh copy from
Hope that helps, but if not open (it's in Applications/Utilities) and do a search for Dropzone and paste me any messages. Maybe there will be a clue in there that will help.
306 2013-03-26 12:38:28
Re: Print extension issues (18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi Matan,
My goal with creating the Print destination was to provide a 'quick and dirty' way to print a file without opening the application it was created in. There are major downsides to doing this, such as the fact that you can't set printer settings such as layout, copies etc. Also I had to do a bit of a hack to make Word docs print - they are rendered using the Quicklook engine before printing so the formatting will not always be correct. The destination is actually often a poor choice for printing.
Really the use case I had in mind for this was something like - I have map image or a little text or something that I just need printed in a hurry. If you're using the Print destination for anything more than that then you're missing the point of the destination.
I'm afraid no further print options are coming for this destination.
307 2013-03-26 12:35:54
Re: Upload to an Amazon S3 Folder (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi Anthony,
Support for uploading to a specific S3 folder is an often requested feature. I will hopefully implement it in a future version.
308 2013-03-26 12:32:59
Re: Another Printer Extension Issue - No such file or directory (3 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi guys,
I've just updated the Print extension to fix this. It was an issue where a utility the script calls changed its location.
Here's a link to the updated extension: … t.dropzone
Download and double click it to install it (making sure to delete the old one first so you don't end up with two installed).
I think I should clarify that my goal with creating the Print destination was to provide a 'quick and dirty' way to print a file without opening the application it was created in. There are major downsides to doing this, such as the fact that you can't set printer settings such as layout, copies etc. Also I had to do a bit of a hack to make Word docs print - they are rendered using the Quicklook engine before printing so the formatting will not always be correct. The destination is actually often a poor choice for printing.
Really the use case I had in mind for this was something like - I have map image or a little text or something that I just need printed in a hurry. If you're using the Print destination for anything more than that then you're missing the point of the destination.
309 2013-02-22 07:59:04
Re: retina display support please! (7 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
It thrills me to tell you that Dropzone 2.5 which was released a few days ago fully supports Retina displays.
You can upgrade via the Mac App Store or update in the preferences for the direct version.
310 2013-02-15 04:39:30
Re: Parallels with Full Screen and Circles (2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Thanks for the feedback Carlos. I use VMWare myself and will have to see if similar issues apply.
Will see what can be improved here in future versions although I'm sorry to say this isn't the highest current priority.
311 2012-10-24 06:02:54
Re: ImageShack: where do they go? (1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
The ImageShack destination is designed as a quick way to upload an image without the need for an account.
Perhaps try Flickr, TwitPic or the Dropbox destination if you need the images under a particular account.
312 2012-07-25 13:20:10
Re: retina display support please! (7 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Yep, I'm planning to add this in an update soon.
313 2012-05-29 08:33:24
Re: YouTube (1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Thanks YouTube support is a definite possibility.
315 2012-05-29 08:31:30
Re: Minor niggle with tray icon (2 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Thanks fb0r. I'm aware of this issue. It's due to a workaround needed where drag and drop can stop working due to a bug in Lion. I'm working on a solution for a future update.
316 2012-05-25 07:42:34
Re: Email w/o zip? (2 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi Mike
The closest is this script - … n.dropzone
It lets you specify a name, email and subject to send to when you drop a file onto it.
Click the Raw button on GitHub and then save it somewhere. Then edit the bit at the top that says:
$SUBJECT = "Message Subject"
$BODY = "This is the message body."
$TO_NAME = "Test Person"
And fill in these fields with what you want. Make sure the file is saved with a .dropzone file extension and then double click to install.
317 2012-05-25 07:38:15
Re: Sparrow Mail support (4 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
I'll look into this. It really depends on the extent to which Sparrow supports AppleScript.
318 2012-05-23 07:29:13
Re: Print extension issues (18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi Michael
The print destination doesn't support advanced printing options like you describe. I started going down the road of adding more configuration and realized that there are literally thousands of options users may want to configure when printing and this falls way outside the scope of what Dropzone is designed for.
The print destination is really only for a super quick and dirty way to print a document without having to open it first. e.g. I want this PDF printed, real quick. If you're trying to use it for tasks beyond this then you're missing the point of the destination.
319 2012-05-23 03:06:31
Re: Zip & Email w/o Mail (1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Thanks for the feedback. I am hoping to support other mail clients in a future version of Dropzone.
320 2012-05-19 02:13:30
Re: TwitPic Destination Broken (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
The update is now available on the Mac App Store.
TwitPic is now bundled with Dropzone so you no longer need to download the extension and install it separately. Simply go into the Preferences -> Add and then select TwitPic from the action drop down. You will then be asked to authorize TwitPic with Twitter.
Thanks for your patience and let me know if you have any problems.
321 2012-05-10 23:35:57
Re: TwitPic Destination Broken (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
The update (Dropzone 2.3) has been submitted to the app store and is waiting for review by Apple. It should be available real soon.
322 2012-05-10 23:33:48
Re: DZ "action completed" messages take too long (6 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hmm, well I agree that is frustrating. If Dropzone did that for me I would definitely be annoyed. Unfortunately I can't reproduce it and nobody else has emailed me about this either.
Any chance you could record a quick screencast demonstrating the behavior? I might notice something different about how you're using it that gives me a clue as to why this might be happening.
323 2012-05-08 02:52:07
Re: Dropzone 2.1 becomes unresponsive on Lion (14 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Thanks for posting that Matthew. I've had a look and it doesn't tell me a whole lot.
When Dropzone becomes unresponsive, if you click the menu item and press (Command+,) does the Dropzone Preferences window appear? This would tell me if Dropzone has actually hung or whether the grid/circles is just not able to open for some reason.
324 2012-05-03 01:04:10
Re: Dropzone 2.1 becomes unresponsive on Lion (14 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Are you using gfxCardStatus?
325 2012-05-02 21:27:01
Re: TwitPic Destination Broken (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Yep, sorry. I have fixed this now and will be submitting the updated version to the App Store very shortly. The update should be available in the Mac App Store in a week or two depending on the app review time.