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Hi Michael
I had someone else have a similar issue and the solution was to re-install the ImageShack destination script manually by downloading it and double clicking it. Then delete your existing ImageShack destination in the preferences and re-add it.
Here's a link to the ImageShack destination: … k.dropzone
Try relaunching the app if you're still stuck.
I've got a lot of feedback from others who want this option as well so there's a good chance this will find its way into a future version.
I upgraded to 10.7.3 and I'm still not able to reproduce this issue. When you say "multiple desktops are activated" am I correct in thinking you mean you have added desktops using the plus in the top right of mission control (screenshot)
I tried adding a few desktops and Circles still activates fine on all desktops and in fullscreen apps. Do you have dual monitors or is there something else I'm missing here?
If possible, it would be very useful to see a short screen recording of this issue occurring. Thanks.
Are you sure you entered the Dropbox UserID correctly?
Also, download the latest version of the Dropbox extension from (it was just updated) and then try resetting up the destination from scratch using the steps in this guide: … ropbox.php
The Dropzone Print destination doesn't currently support printing of Word Documents or changing print settings.
I'm working on a better version of the Print destination. I whipped up the current one in a few minutes to just print images, text and PDFs but it has been a lot more popular than I expected so I am now improving it.
Try Dropzone 2.0. Earlier versions of Dropzone could have issues like this due to having to use some hacks to integrate with the dock. Dropzone has now moved to the menubar.
See changed their API. The extension has been updated and is working now. You can download the updated version from
Net yet. WebDAV support should make it into a future version.
You can choose up to 4 of your Dropzone destinations to show in Circles in the Preferences. See the screenshot below.
Note that there's now a preference in 2.0 to make Dropzone always install to the main Applications folder rather than the user Application folder.
To get to the option, open the Preferences, select your Install Application destination and hit edit. The option should be ticked automatically. Now hit update and you should be good to go. Note that last step - you MUST hit update for the database to be updated, otherwise the option will not take effect.
Thanks mzch. I have not been able to reproduce this myself yet, do you know if it happened on 10.7.2?
I am downloading the 10.7.3 combo update now. Once I've updated I will investigate further.
I'm not aware of any issues when copying to a USB drive. Make sure you are running the latest version (currently 0.6) and see if you still have problems.
If it's still failing, open the Dropzone preferences and do Cmd+Shift+D then paste me all output from the debug console after the failed move.
I can confirm that Dropzone is now fully compatible with Lion.
There was an issue with FTP not working and a few other minor things but these have all been fixed now. Make sure you are running the latest version (currently 0.6).
You can do this, simply add a Copy/Move Files destination to your grid that points at the correct folder.
Have you upgraded to Dropzone 0.4? It fixes this issue - see
This is usually caused by sending output direct to Dropzone via ruby without going through the $dz methods. Your script is not allowed to produce **ANY** other output whatsoever except what is produced by the $dz methods.
The $dz methods wait for an acknowledgment from Dropzone before continuing. This is the only way to guarantee that Dropzone has had time to process each command.
Paste your script and I'll take a look.
I did make some changes to the way file moving works in 0.4.
Take a look at the debug console after the failing operation by right clicking on the Dropzone dock icon, clicking Preferences... and then hit Command+Shift+D.
Paste any output here and I should be able to figure out the issue.
Thanks for helping out mattle. Lots of users have this issue so it really needs a preference. We will hopefully add one in a future version.
It could easily be done if CloudApp is AppleScriptable. I hardly see the need though, CloudApp has a keyboard shortcut that works just fine.
Feel free to contribute a script though
Thanks for the feedback. We will probably implement a system to allow you to use keyboard shortcuts in a future version.
I would simply do:
`/bin/mv #{file} ~/.Trash/ >& /dev/null`
Where file is the file you would like to trash once you've uploaded.
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