(5 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Actually I just had another user email me about this and I have investigated further. The YouTube Downloader action is currently not working due to the removal of python under macOS Monterey 12.3. The solution for now is to open a terminal and type 'python' which should trigger install of developer tools (this includes python).

A proper solution (python bundled with Dropzone) is coming soon and this will make it work again without this extra step. Will update here once this is released.


(5 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Can you try reinstalling the action from the link below:

https://aptonic.com/actions/install.php … Downloader

I think you may be running an outdated version of the action.

Awesome, great to hear!

Folder upload is definitely planned for the SFTP action as well although this may be a little while away. It doesn't really make sense to maintain both SCP and SFTP actions separately as most SCP servers will also support SFTP so all further development is going to be done on the SFTP action in future.

In the meantime if you open a terminal and do:

gem install net-scp

Then that should make the SCP Upload action work again. There may be one or two other gems you need to install as well as these are no longer included with Dropzone, but see how you go trying the original action after installing the net-scp gem to begin with.

Hi there,

Please instead setup an SFTP action (this will work same as SCP) with the same credentials you were using on your SCP one. That should work again as expected.


OK thanks, can you please open a Terminal and type:


and then paste me the output here.

It looks like your system is not finding the python executable for some reason.


(3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Thanks for the extra detail - Definitely helpful. Will be sure to hit you up for help with beta testing once I get to this!


(3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

That's a brilliant idea. I like it so much I'm going to add it to my list of features to implement.

I just need to have a think about the UI for how to set the watch folder and how to workaround sandboxing issues. Will keep you posted.

Hi there,

Can you please close Dropzone 4, move it to trash and then re-download from the below link:


That will hopefully fix it.

Hi there,

Do you have a link to the DMG you're trying to install so I can download it and check this for you?

Glad you're liking the app! There is a 'Rename and Move Files' action that someone created already that does this. You can install it from the link below:

https://aptonic.com/actions/install.php … ve%20Files

Hi Ward,

Thanks glad you're enjoying the app!

Here's the release notes for 4.2.0: https://aptonic.com/sparkle4/releasenotes/4.2.0.html

But I agree there should be a section to view these. I will add to my TODO list.


The unsandboxed version of Dropzone 4 is now available both via Setapp and direct from our website at the below link:


The only sandboxed version of Dropzone 4 is the Mac App Store version which is available at this link:

The non-Mac App Store version of Dropzone 4 also provides a lifetime purchase option for $40 USD whereas the Mac App Store version requires a $1.99USD subscription to unlock all features. The non-Mac App Store version direct from us is the preferred version due to the lack of sandboxing enabling more features and also because it provides the lifetime purchase option allowing more flexibility if you decide you'd like to upgrade to pro (thanks!).


(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

This issue is now fixed. If you update to Dropzone 4.1.7 (can be downloaded from https://aptonic.com/dropzone/latest) then clicking the icon will work again as expected.

This update is now out. If you update to Dropzone 4.1.7 the Resize Images action will now support HEIC images.

I have fixed this and there will be update out within a week that contains the fix. It was just a matter of adding the HEIC file extension to the list of allowed extensions for the Resize Images action.

Thanks for the report George!


(4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Please upgrade to Dropzone 4. This can't be fixed in Dropzone 3.

The non-Mac App Store versions (Setapp or direct from us) of Dropzone 4 will migrate your actions from Dropzone 3 to Dropzone 4 automatically, however the Mac App Store version of Dropzone 4 will not be able to do this automatically due to sandboxing. If you email support@aptonic.com I may be able to provide a discount for you for the non-Mac App Store version of Dropzone 4 so you can have your actions auto-migrated.


(4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Hey there, I've just tried to replicate this myself and linking YouTube accounts with the YouTube Uploader action seems to be working as expected for me. Would you mind checking if this is still a problem and if it is please post a screenshot of the error? Please let me know the Dropzone version you tested under and also whether it was the Mac App Store or non-Mac App Store version of Dropzone and also whether you're using a proxy.

That will help me hunt this down. Thanks.

From that video everything is working 100% as expected. You're trying to drop a textual URL onto a file based action. You could drop the URL on an action that handles text, such as the Shorten URL action but it doesn't make sense to try and drop text onto the downloads action.

And nope, no-one else has mentioned anything about getting spam after signing up to the forum. We hide email addresses of forum users anyway so there's noway anyone could get your email address from this forum.

Thanks for the ideas. Hot folder is a cool idea and so is a WeTransfer action. Will consider these for future versions!

This isn't a thing anymore. It was a bug that was fixed years ago. Maybe try a reboot and if the issue persists please include a link to a video of this occurring.


(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

The API docs are here: https://github.com/aptonic/dropzone4-ac … /README.md

Also, a good way to start is to right click an action in the grid and choose 'Copy and Edit Script' which will let you edit the actions source and make changes.

Thanks for posting those logs. I notice from the log that you're running Dropzone 4.0.7. Are you able to update to the latest version of Dropzone (currently 4.1.2) and seeing if you still have the issue?

It's also possible that you could be on an outdated version of the YouTube Uploader action. To check you have the latest version of this can you please open the Dropzone preferences by clicking on the white settings gear in the top right of the Dropzone grid and then choose 'Preferences' from the menu. Then in the 'Cloud Actions' tab click the 'Check for Updates' button and then verify that the version number of the YouTube Uploader action is 2.4.

The Google Drive action is bundled with Dropzone so as long as you are running the latest version of the app then it should work as expected.

Let me know how you get on.

Glad you got it working, and thanks for the information on the slowness of opening the grid when adding shift into the service key shortcut. The reason for the slowness opening the grid when you hold shift is that there is some logic in Dropzone which slows the speed of the animation (you can see this also if you hold shift and click on the Dropzone menu item). This is standard behaviour in macOS and happens when you open/close Dock stacks as well. However in this case when triggering Dropzone via the macOS service this shouldn't happen. I am going to add some logic in one of the next few versions that disables the slow animation when multiple modifier keys are held now that you've reported this as it is unwanted behaviour.