OK strange. You might have actually uncovered a bug in the Google Drive action here. Can you please download the attached dzbundle, unzip it, add it to your grid and authorize it and then click on it in the grid and paste me the debug console output. I don't need the access tokens and stuff. Really just any lines after:

Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1580689328

This should hopefully give me a clue as to what's happening here.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/n6mm5rq7kepua … e.zip?dl=1

Did you select a folder or have a folder setup to upload to? It looks a bit like it didn't get a valid folder to upload to.

Yep, Imgur should be fully working in Dropzone 4. That part of the app is free as well so you can just install it without paying anything. Let me know how you get on.

Hi guys, sorry for the delay. Dropzone 4 is now released which fixes this. You can install this from the Mac App Store here:



(2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Hi Budgie,

Thanks for the suggestions. A lot of your ideas reflect some of the same things I'd like to see for the direction of the app. I had another customer who was looking for a DragThing replacement just the other day as well.

Will keep your ideas in mind as I continue to develop the app. Thanks for the feedback.



(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

It's not broken. You have to drop the folder on the 'Add to Grid' icon in the top left of the grid. Maybe you have this section hidden? You can unhide it by opening the grid and clicking the little double ⌄

It's about a month away.

Yeah it's a known issue. I'm currently working on Dropzone 4 which will fix this.

It's an often requested feature and on my roadmap for a future version.

It looks like it might be to do with the special characters in the file name - like the ’é and the à. Have you tried this with filenames without special characters? It would be helpful to first rule this out.


(1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Circles is a dead and deprecated feature that most likely will not be returning to Dropzone. Sorry about that.

Hmmm yeah I think this is an issue with the latest version of Google Chrome where files can no longer be dragged directly from the browser into Dropzone. It's on my TODO list to investigate and fix this.

craig_rt: When you press F3 that is the shortcut to open the grid. And pressing D will just open your downloads folder. That is expected behaviour. It sounds like you are trying instead to move a file into your downloads folder. This is done differently - to do this you need to select a file or folder on the Desktop or in Finder and press the shortcut Ctrl+alt+cmd+D which will open the Dropzone grid and ask you to select an action to be used on the file. Pressing 'D' would then move the file or folder into Downloads.

Please see this video: https://youtu.be/gReRHjppIE4?t=393 (linked at the correct time) which shows exactly how to use files with a Dropzone action using the keyboard.


(1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

There is one already! If your Mac supports AirDrop then you should see it as an option to add to the grid when clicking the white plus in the top left. Or it would have been added into your grid automatically.

It sounds like you may need to reboot or perhaps try switching to the non-Mac App Store version because the shortcut should work regardless of whether Dropzone is already open or not.

This kind of thing can also happen if you have multiple versions of the app in different folders and the service gets registered for the wrong version. Do a search for Dropzone in spotlight and make sure you close and trash any additional copies.


(2 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

There's also https://aptonic.com/actions/untested

Thanks for the support!

Yeah that's exactly the reason. Since this command line tool is missing in Sierra and above this action won't be reinstated in Dropzone.

As the linked discussion thread alludes to, this secure erase stuff is snake oil in the era of SSDs. So don't bother with it. Important data should be encrypted instead.


(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

This is really cool. There isn't an API to remove items from Drop Bar, but what about just giving each subsequent screenshot a different filename? Then you'd avoid overwriting the last one each time. And the idea is you'd probably drag it out of Drop Bar before capturing the next one so having multiple ones added to Drop Bar isn't really a problem.

Try the below:

# Dropzone Action Info
# Name: Screenshots
# Description: Take a screenshot, add it to ~/Screenshots and add to Drop Bar
# Creator: Gareth Evans
# URL: http://yoursite.com
# Events: Clicked
# KeyModifiers: Command, Option, Control, Shift
# SkipConfig: No
# RunsSandboxed: No
# Version: 1.0
# MinDropzoneVersion: 3.0

def clicked
  # Create the Screenshots directory if not already present
  system("mkdir ~/Screenshots")
  # Make a filename with the current time
  formatted_time = Time.now.strftime("%F at %I.%M.%S %p")
  filename = "Screen Shot " + formatted_time + ".png"
  file_path = File.expand_path('~') + "/Screenshots/" + filename
  # Capture screenshot
  system("screencapture -i \"" + file_path + "\"")
  # Add to Drop Bar
  # Notification
  $dz.finish("Screenshot successful")

Also, could I recommend you fork the https://github.com/aptonic/dropzone3-actions repository, add your action and send me a pull request? That will make your action show up at https://aptonic.com/actions/untested automatically which will allow others to install it.

This will also allow us to collaborate on improvements more easily smile


(6 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Hi mhyusi - unfortunately I had to remove the Dropbox action as it was no longer working due to Dropbox removing support for public folders. I am planning to rewrite the action from scratch soon to use the Dropbox API. Will post here when this is out.

Should be fixed in Dropzone 3.6.4, please update either via the Mac App Store app or via the Updates tab in the Preferences.
Let me know if you're still having this issue after updating.

This issue is fixed in Dropzone 3.6.4, please update either via the Mac App Store app or via the Updates tab in the Preferences.

Yep, you can drop multiple folders or applications onto the 'Add to Grid' area of the grid in Dropzone and they will all be added to the grid.

Hi Pip,

It's been added because Apple has made it so dragging to the top of the screen now activates mission control, and as this was the normal method for opening the Dropzone grid this caused problems. Also people often forgot they could drag to the top of the screen, so seeing Dropzones window up there reminds you 'hey you can drag this item here'

But you can disable this feature by opening a Terminal and copy pasting the following command:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool false

And to re-enable:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool true

The command is slightly different for the Mac App Store version of Dropzone. For that version the command to disable it is:

defaults write ~/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone3/Data/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool false

If you disable it then you can still drag onto the Dropzone menu item.
A shortcut you can hold to show the overlay is a cool idea. I will consider adding this in a future version.

Yeah sorry this action is broken under OS X Sierra. I will look into it.

The payment library being used in Dropzone (FastSprings) had this built in.