Hi Pip,

It's just to get your name to save you from typing it. It doesn't use your contacts for anything else.


(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Requires 10.9+ for the latest version of Dropzone. You'd have to go back to Dropzone 3.5 for 10.8 or earlier. This can be downloaded from https://aptonic.com/sparkle/Dropzone-3.5.0.zip


(1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Thanks for the support!

I will look at adding a hidden default for this, actually thought there might be one already but looking over my list there doesn't seem to be.

Yeah this is a known bug with Dropzone under Sierra. I am working on an update to address this which will be out soon.

You can edit the shortcut in the Shortcuts section of Keyboard under System Preferences. See screenshot below:



(1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Dropzone can't view files or delete them - it's designed as a quick way to upload the file and then put the URL on the clipboard. If you need to to do more than this then you should use a conventional FTP client such as Cyberduck or Transmit.

There is now API you can use to add items to the Drop Bar in Dropzone, unfortunately this currently has to be called from within a Dropzone action and can't be called externally by another app (such as Hazel). The best you could do at the moment would be clicking an action in the grid that adds the image from the folder or clipboard into Drop Bar, but that kind of defeats the point since you would obviously want the screenshot to be added into Dropzone automatically.

I think the real solution here is that Dropzone needs a way to run actions via a Terminal command. You could then have Dropzone periodically run an action to take the screenshot from the folder and then add it to Drop Bar. I'm planning to add this as a feature in an upcoming update.

Great, no problems smile

OK, so the plist is there. Can you paste the exact output you get from Terminal you get when you do:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool false

Strange. Not seen that before. What output do you get if you do:

file ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist

OK, thanks. If you just do:

sudo defaults

In the Terminal do you get the same result as in my screenshot above (after entering your password)? Or do you then get "command not found"?

ScreenTopDragEnabled would not be in the plist to begin with. The command is supposed to add this entry.

If you open a terminal and just type:


What do you get? It should be something like in the below screenshot.


Oops sorry dewd, I just realised the wrong commands were up above. The correct command to disable for you is:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool false

dewd - I assume this is because you're using the Mac App Store version. For that version the command to disable it is:

defaults write ~/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone3/Data/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool false

OK, I have made some changes to the action. Can you please remove your current Print action from Dropzone and then install the one from:


And see if that fixes it.


(1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Yeah, thanks. I'm aware of this issue. I will look into making it show proper progress at some point. This bothers me to, generally I wouldn't be OK with a long running action like this not showing progress. I didn't write the YouTube action though and I'm not yet sure how difficult fixing this will be.

OK, can you try printing the file normally through MS Word and verify it prints correctly?

Everything looks totally normal from that output - so I'm wondering if Word is printing files correctly normally. Can you also try the action after a reboot and before opening MS Word. So like reboot, then before opening any other apps or doing anything drop the docx on the Print action and see if it still fails.

And you say the problem is that it's just printing a single blank page?

Can you please download, unzip and double click to install the action from:


This is a specially modified version of the Print action that provides extra debugging output.

Please add this modified action to your grid and drop a .doc or .docx on it. After it fails, please open your Dropzone grid, click the white settings gear and choose 'Debug Console' from the menu. Then paste me the Print Debug task output. This should help me determine the problem.

Can you please check which version of the Print action you're using? If you open your Dropzone grid and right click on the Print action and click 'Edit' it will say in the 'Version' field. Please also click the 'Check For Action Update' button and see if it does an update. The latest version of the Print action is version 1.1 so this is the version you should have.

After ensuring you have the latest version of the print action please try printing a .doc or .docx file again.

That error output indicates to me that you're still running the sandboxed (Mac App Store version) of Dropzone. I would close Dropzone and delete your version of Dropzone from your Applications folder and re-download from https://aptonic.com/dropzone3/latest - you can verify that it's the non-Mac App Store version by checking if there is an 'Updates' tab in the Preferences. You definitely can't call other scripts or executables under the sandboxed version, so that's the first thing to fix.

Now, also you need to put a ./ in front of the getDatabases.sh call. So change your line calling getDatabases.sh to the following:

output = `./getDatabases.sh`

And make sure the getDatabases.sh file is inside the action bundle.

Hope that helps!

I agree it would be good to add full support for a few more mail clients. Note that you can add an app like Airmail.app as an 'Open Application' action though and then when you drag a file onto this action it will add it as an attachment.


(2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)

Yeah, great idea. I will look into this.


(6 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Ah, OK I think Dropbox must have changed this recently to require a paid account. I am planning to overhaul the Dropbox action and make it work directly with the API rather than the current method. But this is probably a while away, so unfortunately there's no way around this for now.

It's been added because Apple has made it so dragging to the top of the screen now activates mission control in El Capitan, and as this was the normal method for opening the Dropzone grid this caused problems. Also people often forgot they could drag to the top of the screen, so seeing Dropzones window up there reminds you 'hey you can drag this item here'

But you can disable this feature by opening a Terminal and copy pasting the following command:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool false

And to re-enable:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.aptonic.Dropzone3.plist ScreenTopDragEnabled -bool true

If you disable it then you can still drag onto the Dropzone menu item.


(3 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

Just to update you on this, Dropzone 3.5.5 is now out and includes the latest version of Sparkle.

HTTPS is now used to deliver all Dropzone updates. You can update from the Updates tab in Dropzone or download this update from https://aptonic.com/dropzone3/latest