Awesome Patrick! So glad you like it
201 2015-06-23 00:57:15
Re: Tooltips for file names (5 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
202 2015-06-23 00:49:49
Re: Tooltips for file names (5 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Hi Patrick - Yep you can change the names. Just right click on the action in the grid, click 'Edit' from the popup menu and enter a new name in the 'Name' field.
203 2015-04-24 03:29:53
Re: Imgur 'Authorization Failed'?? (11 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Thanks for that Jonathon!
I'm going to wait a bit and see if Imgur fix this themselves. It's just the Google OAuth method that's broken just now - all the other methods (Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo) are currently working. If it's not fixed soon then I will implement the workaround in Dropzone you have suggested.
For any others looking for help with this, first make sure you download the beta build from:
Then choose an authorization method other than G+ for the time being. Using a proper Imgur account or choosing Twitter, Facebook or Yahoo methods should all authorize fine.
204 2015-04-16 01:48:04
Re: Imgur 'Authorization Failed'?? (11 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
OK, I've fixed it. Looks like there were some changes at Imgur and a bug in OAuth was introduced that I've had to do a workaround for. Here's a beta version of Dropzone 3.5 you can download with the fix:
You should close and trash your current version of Dropzone first. You can stick with this version and you'll still receive an auto-update to the final build of 3.5 when it is released.
Let me know if this fixes it for you
205 2015-04-15 23:37:54
Re: Imgur 'Authorization Failed'?? (11 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hmmm, yep same problem here. And yes it's caused by authenticating via Twitter, it works fine if authenticating via a normal Imgur account. I'm looking into it now, hope to have a fix for you soon.
206 2015-03-18 08:59:55
Re: Dropzone 3 using large amount of CPU time when idle (2 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi there,
See this forum post:
And try switching to the non-Mac App Store version.
Hopefully that fixes it!
207 2015-02-25 23:28:37
Re: use image search and imagur with proxy (5 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
I've just fixed this bug. Here's a beta build for you to try with the fix, you can run this beta version and you'll still be auto-updated the next major version when it's released: …
Let me know if this version fixes it for you.
208 2015-02-09 04:11:35
Re: Bug report: wrong link added to drop bar when file is hard linked (1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Finder has this same behaviour though, after you create the link try dragging file1 into another folder and you'll see that it actually moves file2. So I'm going to assume this behaviour is correct.
Yoink does the same thing as well.
209 2015-02-09 04:02:27
Re: Folders/Apps: monitor file system events for renaming (1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Yeah, I agree that's not ideal. I will definitely look at implementing something so that renamed folders auto-update to point to the new location in a future version. Thanks for the feedback.
210 2015-02-08 11:33:53
Re: FTP/SCP Upload or MoveFiles & Ask to which folder... Is that possible? (1 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
You'd need to setup an action pointing to each of the folders you want to upload to. You can specify this in the 'Remote Path' field when setting up an action as shown below. Just add a separate action for each of the folders you need to and keep the other server settings the same.
Give each action a unique name and then you can drag to whichever folder you need. The same goes for the SCP action.
211 2015-02-03 12:16:36
Re: Slow performance (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Hi Steven,
Great! Glad that fixed it. Recently a few customers have reported excessive CPU and RAM usage when using the App Store version of Dropzone but switching to the non-App Store version always seems to fix it. I'm not really sure what's causing this but I will be investigating further.
Updates will happen automatically on the non-Mac App Store version so I recommend you just stick with this version. I doubt this is a wider issue with the app store affecting other apps. Probably it's some rare configuration of Dropzone and OS X or other apps that doesn't work well with sandboxing for some reason.
212 2015-01-31 21:43:22
Re: Slow performance (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Haven't seen any issues under 10.10.2 like you're describing. Do the symptoms persist after a reboot? If your system was already under a lot of CPU or memory pressure then that could cause this.
If the problems continue I would recommend downloading and switching to the non-Mac App Store version and see if this makes a difference. You can download this version from
Your setup actions and settings will be transitioned to the this version automatically. You should close your App Store version and move it to the trash then replace it with the one from the link above. It should detect you purchased on the Mac App Store and register automatically.
Also, another idea that could improve performance is to disable grid animations in the Dropzone settings (click the white settings gear in the top right of the grid and then click Preferences and untick the Animate grid opening and closing box).
213 2015-01-27 12:03:57
Re: Ruby SFTP Yosemite Issue (3 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
I've just updated this action. Can you please try reinstalling it from here: … P%20Upload
After update, right click on the SCP action in the grid, click Edit and check you're now using version 1.1.
Let me know if this new version fixes it
214 2014-12-23 02:37:26
Re: Difference between sandboxed vs un-sandboxed version (4 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
The two versions of Dropzone 4 will work the same out of the box and sandboxing only becomes an issue when installing certain add-on actions for Dropzone 4.
If you're using the Mac App Store version of Dropzone 4 then initially you're limited to installing the actions listed on this page.
If using the non-Mac App Store version then you can install the full list of actions shown here.
If you purchased Dropzone 4 from the Mac App Store and want to use an action that is not compatible with sandboxing then I have provided an easy solution: You can switch to the non-Mac App Store version by downloading it from here and moving it to your applications folder replacing your existing App Store version. When you run it, it will detect you purchased already on the Mac App Store and register you automatically. Full details on this process are given here. Note that you have to run the Mac App Store version at least once first for this transition to work.
Therefore it doesn't matter if you purchase Dropzone 4 from the Mac App Store or direct from us. You can easily switch between the two versions if you need to.
Updates to the Mac App Store version are handled by the Mac App Store app while the non-Mac App Store version has its own update system (Sparkle) built in. One issue to keep in mind is that the non-Mac App Store version tends to receive updates a bit faster as these updates don't have to go through the Apple app review process.
Hope this helps.
215 2014-12-01 06:09:01
Re: Keyboard navigation (3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
No you can't add Dropzone to the dock. I was referring to when you drag a folder to the place beside the trash (and then right click it and then click view as grid) this creates a grid when you click it similar to the Dropzone grid. You can use the arrow keys in those grids.
It's true, it would definitely be nice to be able to open the grid using the hotkey and then select an action with the keyboard.
216 2014-11-30 07:09:37
Re: Keyboard navigation (3 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Yep, the OS X grids you can add to the dock allow this - although I'm pretty sure almost noone realises it. It's low priority, but I will definitely consider it for the future.
217 2014-11-30 07:08:26
Re: Tooltips for file names (5 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Great idea. I will look at adding this in a future version.
218 2014-11-29 07:42:24
Re: Mount server volume when copying or moving files (1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Thanks - good idea. I will look at it for a future version.
219 2014-11-29 07:40:30
Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues (9 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Ok, thanks. But where is the difference in the versions?
I have sometimes the same beachball problems. Or, that dropzone consumes a lot of CPU resources.
There shouldn't be any difference really. The Mac App Store version runs sandboxed and the non-App Store version runs unsandboxed but that really shouldn't make any difference. If you're having issues with hanging and such I recommend you look in (it's in /Applications/Utilities/ and do a search for Dropzone. Then email me any messages so I can investigate further. You can also try starting fresh with a new Dropzone 3 actions database by closing Dropzone, removing your ~/Library/Application Support/Dropzone 3 (or ~/Library/Containers/com.aptonic.Dropzone3/ for the Mac App Store version) folder and relaunching.
Usually, I find issues like this are caused by issues with your OS X install (other apps crashing, SIMBL or InputManager plugins) and other non-standard configurations.
220 2014-11-29 06:01:20
Re: Hide 'add to grid' - 'drop bar' row (1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Thanks - It's a commonly reported issue. I will definitely look at adding a way to hide the first row in a future version.
221 2014-11-29 05:07:12
Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues (9 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Wayne - I have just emailed you about this.
222 2014-11-11 05:14:04
Re: Drop Copy Functionality (1 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
I recommend you use the AirDrop action in Dropzone 3 for this.
Another option is to setup an SCP action that copies to your other Mac. I posted a step by step guide on how to do this here: … ropzone-3/
223 2014-11-11 04:59:12
Re: Automator "integration" (4 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
Definitely. I will consider this for a future version
224 2014-11-02 03:48:47
Re: Action for making a disk image (2 replies, posted in Feature Requests)
OK, noted. I will look at upgrading this action for Dropzone 3 shortly.
Just out of curiosity why do you prefer to create a disk image instead of zipping the files for example? I'm trying to understand the use case so I can make sure the updated action does what you need.
225 2014-10-31 10:17:12
Re: Dropzone 3.2 Yosemite issues (9 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)
Yep, it's the same issue. The update that fixes this is currently pending review with Apple, but you can update now by downloading the non-Mac App Store version from
It will detect you purchased on the Mac App Store and register and transfer your settings automatically.